If Aryan was spared: When Geralt approaches the la Valettes' villa, he encounters Morvran Voorhis and Mary Louisa as they are exiting. The consequences of this decision are described below: Geralt's decision regarding the fate of Aryan La Valette affects a portion of the Broken Flowers main quest. Furthermore, simulating a save does not carry over cosmetic changes, such as the Blue Stripes neck tattoo which may be obtained in The Witcher 2, whereas importing does. Importing a save does not differ greatly from simulating one, except that an import bypasses the conversation of the previous game's events with Morvran Voorhis. Saves which are "incomplete" will carry over all the choices made thus far in that game, however, the remaining ones will be completed as described above. Note that the list of saves may not necessarily be in chronological order, therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the correct save is selected, so that all the desired choices are carried over. Selecting one will carry over the choices made in that saved game to The Witcher 3. Choosing to import will display a list of The Witcher 2 saves that are stored on your device. There is a separate option to import a Witcher 2 save during game set-up, which is located below the "on" and "off" options for simulating a save.

Prior to starting a new game, one must make a decision of whether or not to simulate a Witcher 2 save, or to import their own. Transition from The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings This page covers the decisions you have to make during The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the way they impact the main story. 1.4 Siding with Vernon Roche or Iorveth.1 Transition from The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings.