Lord of the rings age appropriate
Lord of the rings age appropriate

lord of the rings age appropriate

Bluebear provides excellent creative inspiration for storytelling. Everyone was sad when the marathon 700-page experience eventually ended. The rich descriptions of the fantasy world of Zamonia and its inhabitants extended our nighttime routine while reading, as no one wanted to stop. The 13-1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear by Walter Moers was by far the most enjoyable read for both kids and parent.

lord of the rings age appropriate

The books are all quick reads and very, very funny for all ages. Mortimer the raven is very clever and has an unusual appetite that includes most kinds of food and… stairs. The first in a fairly long series of ridiculously entertaining books by Joan Aiken, Arabel’s Raven tells the tale of a young British girl and her pet raven. Consider these the staff picks at your own personal geek library: So rather than creating a single list of recommended books, we decided to let members of the GeekDad team create the list of books which they enjoyed reading to their hatchlings as they progressed through their beta period. Some kids can handle the long slog to get Frodo to Rivendell where The Lord of the Rings finally takes off and becomes a rollicking adventure many kids (and adults) cannot.

lord of the rings age appropriate

So what books should geeks be reading to their kids? What books are essential to the geek experience? Well, that depends on the parent, and that depends on the kid. Reading aloud to your kids can be a blast. Plus some of the best times we have had with our children have come while watching their eyes glisten as Harry looks in the Mirror of Erised or listening to their giggles as they discover the joys and absurdities of Shel Silverstein’s poetry. Reading to them is a great way to get them using the language centers of their brain. The social science is in, vocabulary is a major predictor of cognitive development in your children. At GeekDad we are committed to helping you raise geek generation 2.0, and we believe few things that you do are more important than reading to your kids early and often.

Lord of the rings age appropriate