This event will fire once your starting ruler dies, and your female heir replaces him. At the point the power base in Greece and Anatolia is secured, the player should be strong enough to take on the Mamluks on their own.Īnother valid strategy is to build up relations with Ottomans and Mamluks waiting for the event that make Cyprus vassal of the Mamluks. Take note that the player will be the siege leader as long as they place at least one unit on a fort province - so they can let the Ottomans siege down the province for them, and protect their army at the same time.Ī more sustainable way is to follow the Strategy for Cyprus and expand to a solid power base in the Balkans and Anatolia ( Ramazan is an ideal target if they have no allies), as well as convert Cyprus's lands to catholic, before invading the Levant. The quickest way to form Jerusalem for the achievement is to wait until the Ottomans inevitably attack the Mamluks, and then declare war on the Mamluks at the right moment, when the Mamlukean army is weak and the player can secure at least one fort near the province of Jerusalem. However, in order to invade the Levant, it is best to first build a power base elsewhere before invading lands that are difficult to convert (even with the added missionary strength), and also to secure strong allies against the Turks. Or, building to max naval force limit, will unlock a mission that gives permanent claims on the required provinces. As Cyprus Ĭyprus starts in the best geographic position to form Jerusalem, as it can immediately fabricate claims on two of the three needed provinces. Bear in mind, due to the dynamic nature of the game, it may unfold differently for other players. The below is one of many player suggested strategies for Jerusalem. then it enacts the Government Reform Crusader State.then it changes its government to monarchy and enacts the Government Reform Crusader State.releases Jerusalem as an independent nation with the same primary culture.if Jerusalem is in the Holy Roman Empire.then it gets the event ‘ New Traditions & Ambitions’.if Jerusalem does not have custom ideas.has the mission Restore the Hospitallers.If the country was never an end-game tag and one of the following is true: If the country was never an end-game tag and is Provence, Cyprus, The Knights or has the mission Restore the Hospitallers :Įvery province of Palestine and Transjordan areas, as well as Tarabulus (378), Sidon (1855) and Aqabah (4268) becomes core provinces of Jerusalem.owns Jerusalem (379) or is player-controlled and is either Provence, Cyprus or The Knights.It is either the ‘Age of Discovery’ or the ‘Age of Reformation’.