External display looks fine and bright? Your power settings are fine.

Hook it up to an external display (monitor/tv/etc).

Out of the thousands of screen replacements I've done, I can count on one hand how many display cables failed or showed signs of faulting. You will pay probably between $50-120 for the display. Might look something like HW: FA 1B as an example. Also the H/W (I think that's the right section.) is also helpful. The display will likely physically fit, but you'll notice lines in the screen, a black screen, hue in coloring, etc. This is because there can be various revisions of the same computer (same model, different screens between revisions). Do not buy a display for your laptop based solely on the model number of the laptop (4530s). HELPFUL NOTE: Do NOT buy a display (from eBay especially), without using the model number on the back of the LCD panel (it's usually a sticker on the backing). I'll buy a 200k point seller 98% over an 800 point seller with 100%. Basically a minimum of 98%, and as many sale points as possible. But finding the right reputable buyer is a little difficult if you don't know what to look for. and here are a few sites I've used for a LONG time you can find a replacement from (I've had good luck with eBay.

Here is a how-to video on LCD replacement for that model: It requires removing a few screws/gromets around the bezel, and disconnecting the webcam connector/LCD connector on the back of the display panel. What this means is you need to replace the LCD (this does not require complete disassembly). You proved that with the flashlight method (a common method to determine if it is a backlight issue when power settings have been checked on an external display). With a CCFL, you have to worry about an inverter board (just above the keyboard in the bezel), tubes failing and causing black spots, etc.īUT, you don't have a CCFL display. There are the newer type LED, and there are the older style CCFL (Cold Cathode Florescent Lighting). There are two common types of LCD panels. Nobody has given you the correct answer if you've checked the power settings.