Fox, who will be sixty next year, and he has Parkinson’s Disease.

If we went back and made another one, we’d have Michael J. “We told a complete story with the trilogy. Take note of your favorites out of these fantastic trivia questions and use them in your next quiz or trivia night to test everyone's knowledge.Gale explained there was a creative aspect and then the rights aspect. If you're creating a movie trivia quiz, you'll want to make sure that you're adding questions about movies the contestants have seen so that everyone can answer and enjoy. If you'd like to test whether your friends or family members know as much as they think, this Lord of the Rings trivia is exactly what you need. The Lord of the Rings movies are very popular, meaning lots of people know lots of facts about them.If your friends love scary movies and think they know a lot about them, then this horror movie trivia will give them a run for their money. It doesn't have to be Halloween for you to have a horror movie trivia night.Thanks to this, there is loads of great Seinfeld trivia that you can add to quizzes. The popular TV show Seinfeld ran for nine seasons.These fun trivia questions are just what you need for quizzes for both adults and kids. If you're looking for even more questions to add to quizzes and tests, you won't want to miss out on the questions below. This is because the people answering the questions aren't expected to be experts in trivia relating to this movie and so they might only have limited knowledge of the characters and plotline. However, if the quiz has other genres and topics, it can be best to stick to easier Back to the Future questions. Is the whole of your quiz about Back to the Future or is it about other topics or movies too? If your quiz is all about the movies, you can include a broad range of questions, from very easy to very difficult.